With an increasing focus on employee wellbeing for organisations who want to see positive effects on productivity and engagement – embracing a preventative, proactive approach to wellness is an essential step. 
Positive Psychology strengths coaching does just that, by switching focus to what really energises a an individual you can help people feel better, do better and perform better. 
It’s no longer good enough to simply provide wellbeing ‘benefits’; organisations need to support the education of employees in wellness to ensure they not only thrive in the workplace but in all aspects of their lives. 

Strengths Coaching Corporate Programmes

Self-Service Strengths Programme

Let your employees explore their strengths themselves using a coaching guidebook.

Self-Directed, Well Supported

The guidance will be deep, but if they need extra support individual coaching sessions can be added on. Email support is included!
Contact me for more information!

1:1 Coached Programme

4, 1 hour long private coaching sessions with each employee - to really get the best from the programme.

Client Led, Coach Supported

Zoom sessions will be challenging and in-depth with the best opportunity to learn and grow from the gained knowledge.
Contact me for more information!

Group Strengths Programme

Let your team explore their strengths individually and together.

Individually Engaging, Group Driven

When member's of a team understand what really energises each individual, teamwork becomes a more pleasurable experience.
Contact me for more information!

Ready to energise your team?

Why strengths matter...

Research shows then organisations who focus on strengths over weaknesses can:

  • Reduce absenteeism
  • Improve presenteeism
  • Greater employee engagement
  • Improve productivity and creativity
  • Increase morale and retention
Take the next step...

If workplace wellbeing is on your agenda and you’re looking for a proactive, engaged approach then let’s have a chat to see how I can support your objectives.

Call me on: 07590 196 651

Or Email Me: energy@jenisanderson.com